Delphine chklé, illustratrice et graphiste

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Chklé qui ?

Pourquoi "Chklé" ?
Parce que c’est un diminutif de "Chocolat au Lait".
En réalité, je porte le nom sous marin de Delphine. (étymologiquement = dauphin)

Je dessine depuis que je suis capable de tenir un stylo de la main gauche et d’utiliser la partie droite de mon cerveau !

Depuis je travaille pour les maisons d’éditions jeunesse (Averbode, Magnard, Auzou, Milan Presse).

A côté de cela, d’autres clients me sollicitent, des entreprises (LVL medical), autant que des particuliers (Faire-part de Mariage, BD de mariage, Faire-part de naissance, portraits, avatars).

Ce voyage fut autant difficile et fabuleux, que riche et formateur. Le voyage s’est révélé plus initiatique que ce que je pouvais imaginer ! Ce fut une exceptionnelle expérience de vie :)

Pendant le voyage, je n’ai pas arrêté de travailler, un précieux atout de mon métier :)


Why Chklé ?

Because it is the short form of ’Chocolat au lait’ which means Milk Chocolate.
In fact, my real name Delphine is derived from the sea animal, Dolphine.

I have been drawing ever since I was able to hold a pen in my left hand and use the right side of my brain !

  • After studying Literature option Plastic arts, I finally found my calling : I joined the ENAAI (Savoy, France) for three years. I graduated with a degree in illustration and animation in 2006.
    In 2007, I started my career as a freelance illustrator.

Since then, I have been working for publishing houses (Averbode, Magnard, Auzou, Milan Presse).

Other clients also solicit my expertise (LVL medical).
I tries to contribute to people hapiness with Wedding invitation, Birth invitation, portraits and avatars !

  • In 2013, I met the very last active sign painter in Chambéry, who taught me the basics of this very uncommon craft, a logical step to further my passion for signs and letters .
  • Come 2nd september 2014, I leave with my husband -a baker- for a 20 months "minimalist" trip across the World. Our passion project, called TATUP (Art and Bread), has been guiding our steps throughout 25 countries.

Our adventure was a test of strength and willpower at times, and yet an amazing experience full of unexpected wonders. Truely life-affirming.